EGM96: The NASA GSFC and NIMA Joint Geopotential Model


Calibration of the Satellite Only Solution

The entire satellite only solution was calibrated using the method of Lerch [1991]. This method involves generating subset solutions that specifically exclude that satellite from the general or master solution. Then the calibration factor is computed for that satellite, where this factor is the ratio of the sum of the coefficient differences between the master solution and the subset, divided by the sum of the coefficient sigma differences squared. The weight of the data in the normal equations can be adjusted so that aggregate changes in the coefficients are commensurate with the changes in the coefficient sigmas.


Calibration factors, and coefficient differences for two satellite only solutions, with and without Spot-2 and Stella.

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spot2/stella calibration factors


Calibration factors, and coefficient differences for two satellite only solutions, with and without the EUVE data (TDRSS and GPS).

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EUVE calibration factors

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Last revised November 22, 2004, 21:01 UTC.